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Result for: Professionalism in Roma, Italia

Culture Marketing Graduate

Are you ready to accelerate your career and embark on an exciting journey with the Red Bull Graduate Program in Netherlands?Then this is your chance!Join us for our 18 months Graduate Program starting in July 2025. You'll get the chance to work with our highly professional teams and show us your capabilities. Your delivery and contribution during the program will shape the scope of your future at Red Bull.Realise your talent!This job is a Culture Marketing Graduate for our Marketing team. In this role, you will work together with our specialists on executing our own Red Bull projects in the fields of music, dance and other Culture disciplines.Job DescriptionYou make sure Red Bull Music Events go loudExamples of projects you will work on include Red Bull Symphonic, Red Bull Rap Champs and Red Bull SoundClash. Initiative is crucial. We want YOU to ensure our projects are unique, distinctive and accessible. Creativity and communication skills are crucial. You will serve as the point of contact for suppliers and the organization. You know or learn how to guide artists - give them wiiings - and help us achieve our goals all together. You always ensure that Red Bull is represented in the best possible way.You make sure Red Bull Dance Events are mind blowingExamples of projects you will work on include Red Bull Dance Your Style and Red Bull BC One. Initiative is crucial. We want YOU to ensure our projects are unique, distinctive and accessible. Creativity and communication skills are crucial. You will serve as the point of contact for suppliers and the organization. You know or learn how to guide artists - give them wiiings - and help us achieve our goals alltogether. You always ensure that Red Bull is represented in the best possible way.You make sure we are present at the right Third Party EventsYou make sure we are at ‘the right’ places. Whether it’s a writing camp for one of the major record labels, a hyped breakdance event, a fashion drop, or an afterparty for a major artist's show. You make sure that Red Bull is visible, but in an authentic/native way. Whether its our product or logo, you have to ensure it makes sense. You will take full responsibility for coordinating the execution of projects supported by Red Bull.QualificationsORGANIZATIONAL TALENT- You can get things done. In our projects, you ensure flawless execution.INDEPENDENT TEAM PLAYER - Team up: You assist the Culture Marketing Specialist/Manager in setting up a world-class program that resonates with Dutch consumers. You are part of a team of three, supported by an international network. You continuously provide relevant input, local expertise, and creative ideas.YOU KNOW MUSIC - Music is the number one interest among 18-24-year-olds, particularly Hip-hop and crossovers. It is your job to stay on top of what’s happening and to help ensure that Red Bull's visibility and relevance in this domain continue to grow. In this role, you need to stay informed about the newest artists, parties, releases, and labels.YOU KNOW DANCE Dance (Breakdance, Hip-hop, Afro, Wacking, etc.) is a rapidly growing area of interest among over 300,000 18-24-year-olds. You help to ensure that Red Bull's visibility and relevance in this domain continue to grow.YOU SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGES You are fluent in Dutch and English, but also you speak the language of the communities we engage.Additional InformationRed Bull b.v. is an equal opportunities employer. We believe passionately that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success. We make recruiting decisions based on your experience and skills. We welcome applications from all members of society irrespective of age, sex, disability, sexual orientation, race, religion.

WorKorner • Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi



La risorsa sarà inserita presso l’azienda cliente ubicata nell'entroterra savonese. Cosa Offriamo Retribuzione: RAL da € 25.000 a € 32.000Benefits: - Welfare annuale - Mensa aziendale - Ingresso flessibile - Possibilità di lavoro ibridoContratto: Tipologia di contratto da definire in base all'esperienza del candidatoOrario di lavoro: 9-18 (ingresso flessibile)CCNL: Chimica Industria, livello da definire in base all'esperienza del candidatoData di inizio: 28/02/2025Descrizione del ruolo  La risorsa si occuperà di:Pianificare l'acquisto delle merci e dei materialiGarantire il rispetto delle condizioni di fornitura concordate assicurandosi che la merce sia consegnata nei tempi, nelle quantità programmate e con le caratteristiche tecniche e qualitative richiesteNegoziare le condizioni economiche e contrattuali (tempi, costi, quantità e qualità)Controllare l'andamento delle consegne attraverso i solleciti a fornitoriInserire gli ordini sul gestionaleRedigere reportistica sulle attività del reparto acquistiEffettuare valutazioni periodiche dei fornitori, monitorando l'andamento dei prezzi del materialeRicercare e selezionare nuovi fornitori, valutandone la capacità, l'affidabilità, la puntualità di consegna ed i costiQuali requisiti chiediamo  Diploma e/o laurea indirizzo economico.Automunito.Esperienza pregressa nella posizione in contesti industriali.Conoscenza pacchetto Office.Conoscenza lingua inglese.Descrizione Azienda Cliente La nostra azienda cliente è una realtà produttiva leader nel settore dell'industria siderurgica. L'azienda si distingue storicamente per l'innovazione tecnologica e l'impegno verso la sostenibilità ambientale.Ambiente di lavoro L'ambiente di lavoro è dinamico e orientato all'innovazione, con un forte focus sulla sicurezza e sulla sostenibilità. I dipendenti operano in un contesto industriale stimolante, con opportunità di crescita professionale e continuo miglioramento delle competenze.

AXL Spa • Savona, Italia



OPERAI MAGAZZINIERI CARICO E SCARICO La risorsa sarà ubicata presso la sede di Piacenza.Cosa Offriamo Offriamo una retribuzione di 1.500€ - 1.600€ lordi mensili, un contratto iniziale a tempo determinato con possibilità di proroga e stabilizzazione. L’orario di lavoro è full-time, dal lunedì al venerdì, con orario giornata dalle ore 7.00. Successivamente si lavorerà su due turni, 6.00-14.00, 14.00-22.00 Monte ore di 39 ore settimanali. La posizione è regolata dal CCNL Logistica e Trasporti e sarai inquadrato al 6 livello.In aggiunta, potrai usufruire di buoni pasto giornalieri da 6,50 euro, percorsi di crescita mirati al tuo sviluppo professionale e personale, oltre a convenzioni aziendali esclusive.  Descrizione del ruolo  La figura inserita avrà un ruolo cruciale nel supporto alle attività logistiche dell’azienda. Ti occuperai del carico e scarico della merce e della movimentazione dei bancali attraverso l’uso del transpallet elettrico.  Quali requisiti chiediamo  Utilizzo del transpallet elettricoPreferibile esperienza nella mansione.Precisione e attenzione ai dettagli.Capacità organizzative e di gestione del tempo.Buone doti relazionali e predisposizione al lavoro in team.Possesso dell’attestato in corso di validità Descrizione Azienda Cliente Il nostro cliente è una multinazionale Leader nel settore della logistica. Potrai entrare a lavorare in un magazzino all’avanguardia, moderno, pulito sempre attento alla cura del dettaglio. Ambiente di lavoro Entrerai in un contesto nuovo, moderno e inclusivo, dove la comunicazione aperta e il lavoro di squadra sono alla base del successo aziendale. Sarai accolto in un team motivato e dinamico, pronto a supportarti in ogni fase del tuo percorso.

AXL Spa • Piacenza, Italia


Operaio/a per Imballaggio e Confezionamento settore Cartotecnica

Operaio/a Addetto/a all'Imballaggio e Assemblaggio settore CartotecnicaLa risorsa sarà inserita presso l’azienda cliente ubicata a Serra De' Conti (an)Cosa Offriamo Contratto di lavoro personalizzato in base all’esperienza e competenze del candidatoRiferimento contrattuale: CCNL Cartotecnica IndustriaRetribuzione: 1400-1500 euro netti mensili, o comunque in base alla professionalità del candidato/a e a totale discrezione dell'azienda clienteWELFARE EBITEMP – Sostegno: all’istruzione, asilo nido, maternità e al reddito; Tutela Sanitaria: rimborso previsto per ticket e spese odontoiatriche private, ricoveri, indennità di infortunio; Agevolazioni: prestiti personali, mobilità territoriale, contributo trasporto mezzi pubblici. Possibilità di assunzione a tempo indeterminato al termine del periodo inizialeContratto full-time, dal lunedì al venerdì Orario spezzato: 8:00-12:00 e 13:00-17:00 o su turni: 5:00-13:00 o 13:00-21:00.Descrizione del ruolo  La figura selezionata sarà inserita all’interno del team produttivo e avrà il compito di Attrezzare, impostare e avviare macchinari di produzione.Effettuare il controllo qualità sui prodotti finiti.Organizzare e sistemare la merce pronta per la spedizione.Quali requisiti chiediamo  Esperienza pregressa sul cnc, anche minima e anche in settori diversi da quello cartotecnicoForte motivazione, precisione e serietàResidenza nelle vicinanze del luogo di lavoro (entro 20 km)Descrizione Azienda Cliente L'azienda, del settore cartotecnica, si occupa da tanti anni di realizzazione di packaging in particolar modo per i settore luxury, moda e pelletteria.Offre un prodotto di altissima qualità ed è una realtà molto consolidata del territorio.

AXL Spa • Serra De' Conti, Italia


Saldatore a Filo

Saldatore a FiloLa risorsa sarà inserita presso l'azienda cliente ubicata a Triggiano (Ba).Cosa Offriamo: - Retribuzione: Da € 1.600 a € 1.700 netti al mese - Benefit: Piano welfare integrativo Ebitemp che permette ai lavoratori l'accesso a prestazioni di supporto, tra cui indennità di malattia e infortunio, rimborso spese mediche, sostegno economico per spese scolastiche, sussidi per la disoccupazione. - Contratto: Somministrazione 6 mesi - Orario di lavoro: Full-time dal lunedì al venerdi dalle 8.00 alle 13.30 e dalle 13.30 alle 16.30 - CCNL: [C1 CCNL Metalmeccanica Industria] - Data di inizio: Marzo 2025Descrizione del ruolo: La risorsa si occuperà di eseguire saldature a filo continuo su componenti metallici, ferro e acciaio e di eseguire attività di carpenteria (Taglio, preparazione e assemblaggio dei componenti metallici) garantendo la qualità e la precisione delle lavorazioni attraverso la lettura del disegno tecnico e il controllo visivo finale. Sarà inserita in un team di lavoro dinamico e collaborativo, con l'obiettivo di contribuire alla realizzazione di prodotti di alta qualità.Quali requisiti chiediamo: - Esperienza pregressa nella saldatura a filo continuo, ottima conoscenza del disegno tecnico e delle attività di carpenteria - Conoscenza delle tecniche di saldatura e dei materiali metallici - Capacità di leggere e interpretare disegni tecnici - Precisione e attenzione ai dettagli - Buone doti di manualità e capacità di lavorare in teamDescrizione azienda cliente: leader nel settore della realizzazione di allestimenti per veicoli speciali dalla lavorazione dei metalli al montaggio impianti con una particolare attenzione alla qualità e all'innovazione. Grazie a un team di professionisti altamente qualificati, Officine Mottola offre soluzioni su misura per le esigenze dei propri clienti, garantendo prodotti di eccellenza.Ambiente di lavoro: Contesto dinamico e stimolante, con opportunità di crescita professionale e supporto alla formazione continua.

AXL Spa • Triggiano, Italia


Graphic Designer

Full job descriptionSpin UltimateAtlanta, GAGraphic Designer(Part Time)Company DescriptionFounded in 2007, Spin Ultimate is one of the largest Ultimate Frisbee apparel companies in the United States and the world. Spin provides high quality, affordable uniforms, casual apparel, and equipment for Ultimate teams, players, and fans. Spin is an official merchandise partner of USA Ultimate and in recent years has been the official merchandiser for key national championship events including the NationalCollegiate Championships, National Beach Championships, and the Youth Club Championships.Spin strives to give back to the Ultimate community with a particular focus on Youth development and Gender Equity. Spin is also a member of the Fair Labor Association, an organization made up of universities, civic organizations, and socially responsible companies who work together to protect workers’ rights around the world by ensuring that our factories and other suppliers meet strict labor standards.Position DescriptionWe are seeking a creative, talented, detail-oriented, highly ethical designer to join our team.Our team members are exceptionally motivated and organized team players who can prioritize and manage multiple projects with tight deadlines and competing priorities.Reporting to our Creative Director, this is a part-time / contract position (15-20 hours per week) that can be performed remotely.ResponsibilitiesUniforms and Tournament MerchandisingDesign fresh, eye catching logos and uniform designs for Spin’s Club, College, Youth and Recreational teams.Create technically accurate, detailed design mockups to be reviewed by customers and used by Spin’s production partners and apparel factory.Design logos and apparel lines for Ultimate tournaments merchandised by Spin.Create designs for Spin branded apparel across a wide range of products like discs, jerseys, shorts, hoodies, hats, and accessories.Create uniform product pictures for use in Spin’s Team Stores (online marketplaces where team members place uniform orders).Prepare technically sound art files for screen printed, sublimated, and embroidered products for production.Marketing, Social Media & Web Site• Design engaging advertisements and other assets for Spin’s wide ranging marketing programs, including banner ads, social media, and newsletters.• Create visual assets for, including hero images, product pictures, and other images used throughout the site.Qualifications1-5 years of related or transferable work experience.Experience creating Ultimate uniform and apparel designs is preferred, but not required.Expert with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop.Working knowledge of Microsoft Office, social media, Dropbox and Google Docs.Excellent communication skills, both oral and written.Experience with print design, technical proof production, and setting up art files for production is highly preferred, but not required.Having some experience with e-commerce platforms and web development is an asset.The Ideal CandidateIs aware of current trends in Ultimate apparel and design, as well as larger fashion trends, especially among College and Youth markets.Has extreme attention to detail and is well organized.Is highly ethical and respects copyrights and ownership of creative assets by others.Is a problem solver.Has a positive and creative attitude and optimistic outlook.Manages work with varying deadlines and minimal supervision.Takes initiative; is a proven self-manager as well as a team player.Will represent Spin in a professional and friendly manner at all times.Having a passion for Ultimate and its unique cultures is preferred, but not required.EducationBachelor’s in Design (Preferred)SalaryCommensurate with experience.

WorKorner • Atlanta, Stati Uniti


Cashier (@CHANEL)

CashierWe are looking for a fulltime Cashier with a passion for client service and expertise within cash register operations. In this positon you will be responsible for performing cash register operation, strictly respecting procedures and contributing to the Boutique’s sales development.Your role @CHANEL:Mastering the various professional situations, carrying out cash register operations and accepting the corresponding modes of paymentApplying the control procedures for the various means of payment and identification documentsStaying informed by hierarchical superiors about changes in regulations and proceduresEntering information in compliance with the customer account creation and modification proceduresIdentifying and passing on to hierarchical superiors any duplicate customer accountsProviding proper customer account management, particularly by ensuring agreement between accounts and collectionsYou are energized by:The history and heritage of The House of CHANELEnsuring perfect quality service by creating a unique experience for each client over the whole course of the collection processComplying with the quality and service criteria that CHANEL wishes to offer its clientele, presenting an excellent image of the Maison with elegance and simplicityWhat you will bring to the role:Minimum 3 years as a Cashier in the Retail sector preferably in Fashion or any other luxury brandFluent in Dutch and EnglishExcellent attention to detailStrong computer proficient and flair for figuresAbility to multi-task projects in a dynamic, fast paced environment with shifting prioritiesFulltime available and living in or near Amsterdam

WorKorner • Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi


Editor-Linguist (English) (P-3)

The Secretariat for the Policy-Making Organs facilitates meetings and wider consultations between States Parties and the Technical Secretariat, ensuring substantive and operative support to the policy-making organs and their subsidiary bodies in their decision making processes, including the follow-up and implementation of their decisions.In support of this, the Secretariat for the Policy-Making Organs is responsible for the setting of agendas, coordination and meeting support for all scheduled and unscheduled meetings, provision of internal guidance including language and document-processing support to ensure the timely circulation of official-series documents, and provision of reprographic services within the Organisation.General InformationContract TypeFixed-term ProfessionalGradeP3Total Estimated monthly remuneration depending on post adjustment and family status: USD8.298Closing Date01/02/2025ResponsibilitiesJob SummaryThe Language Services Branch provides the OPCW and its policy-making organs with linguistic support (editorial, interpretation, and translation services) to assist in their decision-making processes, as well as in the follow-up and implementation of their decisions.Under the supervision of the Head, Languages Services, and in accordance with the OPCW Core Values of Integrity, Professionalism, and Respect for Diversity and Gender Equality, the incumbent will be responsible for the following duties and responsibilities: provide overall editorial and linguistic support to the policy-making organs and subsidiary bodies of the OPCW and perform other related duties.Main ResponsibilitiesI. EDITING (85%)Under the functional supervision of the Senior Editor/Linguist, edits official-series documents issued by the Secretariat, including but not limited to notes, reports, decisions of the policy-making organs, reports of the subsidiary bodies, provisional agendas and annotations, and major annual reports.Edits a variety of other texts, including external speeches, notes verbales, and correspondence by the Director-General.Identifies and reformulates or deletes material likely to have adverse consequences for the Secretariat or the OPCW. Disambiguates unclear formulations and corrects substantive errors. Checks references for both correctness and appropriateness, and generally ensures that edited texts are clear, concise, grammatically correct, readable, idiomatic, and rhetorically and politically appropriate.Finalises documents as required.II. TRANSLATION (10%)As required, translates, from one or more of the OPCW official languages into English, texts that can be highly sensitive because of their political or confidential nature, or technically complex. Texts may include final inspection reports, declarations, notifications, and correspondence between States Parties and the Technical Secretariat.III. OTHER RELATED DUTIES, INCLUDING TERMINOLOGY (5%)Undertakes terminological research necessary to solve problems of terminology and meaning. Prepares glossaries, technical vocabularies, and related technical tools and develops new terminology for use where terminological equivalents do not exist in the Section’s language. Maintains and updates the terminological database.Participates in consultations with substantive units concerning manifest or possible inconsistencies or errors in the original text.Keeps abreast of politically sensitive and technically complex issues and developments and related terminology.Strictly complies with the OPCW confidentiality regime and performs all relevant procedures.IV. Performs other duties as requiredQualifications and ExperienceEducationEssential:An advanced university degree in languages, political science, or law. Candidates with a degree in a different subject may be considered if they have substantial relevant work experience. A first-level degree combined with at least 7 years of relevant experience may be considered.Desirable:A knowledge of international affairs. An understanding of the Chemical Weapons Convention and related disarmament and technical issues is desirable.Knowledge and ExperienceEssential:A minimum of five years of relevant work experience in editing, revising, and drafting documents and publications, preferably within the United Nations system with an advanced degree (or seven years with a first degree).Desirable:Work experience in a political or an international environment.Skills and CompetenciesAn excellent grammatical understanding and command of written and spoken English.The capacity to think and write clearly, incisively, and appropriately.Strong analytical skills, combined with experience in the drafting of a diverse range of documents.Good word processing skills, coupled with an excellent understanding of Microsoft Office and Share Point.The capacity to function effectively in a complex, multilateral and multicultural environment.An understanding of contemporary historical and political developments at an international level, and of disarmament and non-proliferation issues in particular.Ability to work under stress.LanguagesFluency in English is essential and a good working knowledge of one of the other official languages (Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish) is desirable.Additional InformationThis fixed-term appointment is for the duration of two years with a six-month probationary period, and is subject to the OPCW Staff Regulations and Interim Staff Rules.The OPCW is a non-career organisation with limited staff tenure. The total length of service for Professional staff shall not exceed 7 years.The mandatory age of separation at the OPCW is 65 years.The Director-General retains the discretion to not make any appointment to this vacancy, to make an appointment at a lower grade, or to make an appointment with a modified job description. Several vacancies may be filled.Only fully completed applications submitted before the closing date and through OPCW CandidateSpace will be considered. Only applicants under serious consideration for a post will be contacted.According to article 8 paragraph 44 of the Chemical Weapons Convention the paramount consideration in the employment of the staff is the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Due regard will be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.OPCW is committed to maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment of mutual respect. OPCW recruits and employs staff regardless of disability status, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, language, race, marital status, religious, ethnic, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds, or any other personal characteristics.OPCW General Terms and ConditionsImportant notice for applicants who are currently insured under the Dutch Social Security systemAlthough headquartered in the Netherlands, the OPCW is not a regular Dutch employer but a public international organisation with its own special status. Please be advised that if you are currently insured under the Dutch Social Security system, you will be excluded from this system as a staff member of the OPCW. You will consequently be insured under the organisation’s system. The above also applies to your dependents unless they are employed by a regular Dutch employer, they are self-employed in the Netherlands, or are receiving Dutch social security payments.

WorKorner • Den Haag Centrum, Paesi Bassi
